Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data Dashboard

New Castle County

A resource of COVID-19 data and facts for Delaware families and communities.

New Castle County over the Last 14 Days

Case counts and test data by date of report can vary significantly from day to day for a variety of reasons. In addition to changes due to actual changes in disease incidence, trends are strongly influenced by testing patterns (who gets tested and why), testing availability, lab analysis backlogs, lab reporting delays, new labs joining our electronic laboratory reporting system, mass screenings, etc.

Updated: 06/15/2020

Percentage of Persons Who Tested Positive

Percent Who Tested Positive
Trend Line
Updated: 06/15/2020

New Positive Cases

New Cases
Trend Line
Updated: 06/15/2020

Cumulative Number of Positive Cases

Cumulative Number of Positive Cases
Updated: 06/15/2020



New Castle County's Latest Status

Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 06/15/2020 1:07 PM.

Rate of COVID cases per 10,000 population

Positive Cases of New Castle County

Total Cases
4,345 75.0 per 10,000 people
Confirmed Cases
Probable Cases

Positive Cases of Comparable Location

Cases by County (Cumulative)

State of Delaware
New Castle County

COVID-19 Testing

COVID Testing Rates per 10,000 Population

Total Persons Tested in New Castle County

New Castle County
40,837 736.0 per 10,000 people

Total Persons Tested of Comparable Location

Testing by Race or Ethnicity

Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 16,369 34,415 4,415 11,801
Non-Hispanic Black 10,441 18,705 3,038 3,923
Hispanic/Latino 3,101 8,273 675 4,189
Another/Multiple 1,573 4,150 456 1,871
Asian/Pacific Islander 948 1,374 146 234
Unknown 8,405 17,769 3,173 4,778
Updated: 06/15/2020

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic Black 753.3 891.2 685.9 1,453.4
Hispanic/Latino 573.5 958.5 554.2 2,087.8
Non-Hispanic White 457.0 525.5 380.7 652.8
Asian/Pacific Islander 308.0 369.4 409.2 819.0

Cases (New Castle County)

Number of COVID-19 Positive Cases

Total Positive Cases in New Castle County

Total Cases
4,345 75.0 per 10,000 people
Confirmed Cases
Probable Cases

Positive Cases of Comparable Location

Demographic Breakdown of Cases

Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Cases by Age

Total Cases by Age & County

Age New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
0-4 37 (1%) 124 (1%) 14 (1%) 73 (2%)
5-17 147 (3%) 487 (5%) 41 (3%) 299 (7%)
18-34 1,079 (25%) 2,749 (27%) 399 (25%) 1,263 (29%)
35-49 1,052 (24%) 2,642 (26%) 410 (26%) 1,178 (27%)
50-64 1,074 (25%) 2,369 (23%) 386 (25%) 906 (21%)
65+ 956 (22%) 1,969 (19%) 315 (20%) 697 (16%)
Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Cases by Sex

Total Cases by Sex & County

Sex New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Female 2,433 (56%) 5,711 (55%) 883 (56%) 2,391 (54%)
Male 1,906 (44%) 4,613 (45%) 681 (44%) 2,017 (46%)
16 (0%)
Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic Black 1,435 (33%) 2,751 (27%) 585 (37%) 728 (16%)
Non-Hispanic White 1,312 (30%) 3,008 (29%) 532 (34%) 1,161 (26%)
Hispanic/Latino 943 (22%) 2,958 (29%) 201 (13%) 1,811 (41%)
Another/Multiple 186 (4%) 512 (5%) 55 (4%) 269 (6%)
Asian/Pacific Islander 90 (2%) 157 (2%) 30 (2%) 37 (1%)
Unknown 379 (9%) 954 (9%) 162 (10%) 410 (9%)
Updated: 06/15/2020

Rate of Cases by Age

Rate of Cases by Age & County

Age New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
0-4 11.4 22.6 12.7 64.5
5-17 16.6 32.8 13.8 98.6
18-34 80.8 129.4 96.0 338.9
35-49 99.4 155.2 132.6 351.4
50-64 95.0 120.7 116.0 181.6
65+ 117.4 117.8 110.7 121.8
Updated: 06/15/2020

Rate of Cases by Sex

Rate of Cases by Sex & County

Sex New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Female 85.0 116.6 97.5 211.4
Male 70.9 100.4 80.8 189.5
Updated: 06/15/2020

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Hispanic/Latino 174.4 342.7 165.0 902.6
Non-Hispanic Black 103.5 131.1 132.1 269.7
Non-Hispanic White 36.6 45.9 45.9 64.2
Asian/Pacific Islander 29.2 42.2 84.1 129.5

Outcomes (New Castle County)

Demographic Breakdown of Deaths

Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Deaths by Age

Total Deaths by Age & County

Age New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
0-4 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5-17 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 (3%)
12 (3%)
50-64 22 (12%) 61 (14%) 18 (22%) 21 (14%)
65+ 161 (85%) 339 (80%) 62 (75%) 116 (77%)
Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Deaths by Sex

Total Deaths by Sex & County

Sex New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Female 97 (51%) 225 (53%) 42 (51%) 86 (57%)
Male 93 (49%) 198 (47%) 41 (49%) 64 (43%)
Updated: 06/15/2020

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity New Castle State of Delaware Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 117 (62%) 258 (61%) 46 (55%) 95 (63%)
Non-Hispanic Black 48 (25%) 112 (26%) 33 (40%) 31 (21%)
4 (1%)
27 (6%)
Asian/Pacific Islander
1 (0%)
21 (5%)

Outcomes over Time

Updated: 06/15/2020


Total count on 06/15/2020
rate per 10,000 people on 06/15/2020
Updated: 06/15/2020


Total count on 06/15/2020
rate per 10,000 people on 06/15/2020
Updated: 06/15/2020

Tested Negative

Total count on 06/15/2020
rate per 10,000 people on 06/15/2020
Tested Negative



Mitigation Status From Until Details
State of Emergency in effect Mar 12 Further Notice Announcement
Stay-at-Home order; Non-essential businesses closed Mar 22 Jun 01 Announcement
Individuals who enter Delaware from another state must self-quarantine for 14 days, with exceptions Mar 29 Jun 01 Announcement
Schools closed through academic year; offer remote learning Apr 24 Further Notice Announcement
Face covering required in public settings Apr 28 Further Notice Announcement
Significant expansion of statewide testing program May 08 Further Notice Announcement
Statewide contact tracing plan May 12 Further Notice Announcement
Beaches, community pools to reopen with restrictions May 22 Further Notice Announcement
Local govts. may impose greater restrictions, as permitted by law May 22 Further Notice Announcement
Houses of worship encouraged to hold virtual services; 30% occupancy allowed May 23 Further Notice Announcement
Phase 1 of Delaware's Economic Reopening plan in effect Jun 01 Jun 14 Announcement
Select industries to open and limit capacity to 30% of fire code occupancy; other restrictions apply Jun 01 Further Notice Announcement
Employers are encouraged to continue to have staff work from home whenever possible. Jun 01 Further Notice Announcement
Vulnerable individuals should shelter in place Jun 01 Further Notice Announcement
Phase 2 of Delaware's Economic Reopening plan in effect Jun 15 Further Notice Announcement